
My inspiration comes from many life experiences.  As an artist in my 20's one might wonder how much I could have experienced at this point in my life.  What you will find is that art has been a constant theme in my life.  Please read on for a bit more about me and what inspires me to create...

I was born and raised in Suburban Northern New Jersey.  My first experiences with art came from watching my grandmother paint with oils in her workroom.  She is a very talented lady who showed me the wonders of expressing yourself on canvas.  In fact, she had me painting with water colors almost before I could even put full sentences together.  I learned to look at life through the eyes of the artist.  Things most people take for granted stand out to an artist like so many photos in a family album.  

Before I was even a teen I was diagnosed with cancer.  For nearly 2 years, life as I previously knew it stood still while I struggled to survive.  In fact, life as I knew it had died.  You learn to look at life in a different way after staring death in the face.  Yet even during my darkest times I still shared my feelings through artistic expression.  Some days the hospital would even let me paint their windows to help make the place look more cheerful.  

Eventually I defeated cancer and can now call myself a survivor.  However, I had to rebuild who I was inside and out, so the inspiration to create was not a priority for me.  

As I healed my body and mended my soul new opportunities entered my life and things started to change for the better. The present company I keep has inspired me to want to create again.  

With all this is mind, I find myself going down a road I've never been down before and it's a bit scary at times.  However with the right company holding your hand, it's not as scary and it's a little less lonely.
Every time I sign Kiki (a name I have not been called for years) I show my gratitude to those who have supported me and told me it is okay to paint outside the box.